Saturday, August 20, 2016

8/10/16 and 8/11/16

We left Spring Cove Marina and traveled a mile, that's right, a whole mile to Solomons Island Yacht Club. We wanted to see this area, and staying at SIYC cost lots less than Spring there it is; we moved!!!  It's a very small club here but they do have dinners sometime. We ate one night and it was good, plus the cost was great. $10 for our dinner and $2.50 for a glass of wine. Cheap enough....... plus we met several people that were very nice. The second night we ate @ The Dry Dock Restaurant, and it was awesome...........we are eating out a lot because it is so stinking hot, especially when you turn on a burner or the oven. Our air conditioners are working hard but if you're cooking, they can't hardly keep up. We rode our bikes a lot cause it is such a great place for that. I absolutely love The Chesapeake Bay area and these quaint towns on the water. Told Sonny I could live here............................Went to a museum there that was great. Sonny loves museums, he wants to know everything about everything.
Front view of Solomons Island Yacht Club

Rear view of  SIYC

Tiny Episcopal Church next to yacht club

View of harbor as we left

Dinghy from a German Warship that is part of the ghost fleet in Mallows Bay

Old wooden boats at museum

Drum Point Lighthouse now at museum 

Sunday, August 14, 2016


 We left Corinthian Yacht Club a couple days earlier than planned. We realized on our trip there that the Inverter batteries were beginning to fail. So we got in touch with Spring Cove Marina at Solomons (35 miles up the Chesapeake) and made plans for them to order them and put in while there a couple of days. There are two of them weighing 160 lbs each; so we needed young men with strong backs! Amazingly while there the weather cooled off, so it was fairly nice for a change. Didn't last long though.................... This marina area is very nice, great place to walk Marena, picnic area, pool, AND doggie ice cream!!
Marena is happy................I bought extra!