Friday, April 8, 2016


We left Cocoa Village heading for our anchorage @ Nasa Causeway Bridge. It was only 15 miles away from the village. This is the bridge that takes the traffic over to the Kennedy Space Center. The night was nice and quiet and we were in site of the assembly building. The next morning we took our time; Titusville Munical Marina was only 6 miles away. This will prove to be a great stop! While there a sailboat pulled in from Hawaii, traveling around the world. They change crews about once a month. They are raising awareness about protecting our earth. When you see the pic I have posted, you will see their website. The reception they received here was absolutely amazing! It looked (and sounded) like half the town was here!! Within the next couple of days they had interviews, photographers and the city doing various get-togethers. We rented a car one day to run errands and go to The Kennedy Space Center. I'll have to admit this was a great, great tour. We have been riding our bikes around town, trying to get a little exercise. On Friday @ 4:43pm there will be another launch sending provisions to the satellite. We are going to ride our bikes to the bridge closest to us and watch from there.
NASA Causeway Bridge


Us @ CrackerJack's under the bridge

Marena in the bike basket

Manatee right beside our boat (you can tell; can't you?) 

Kennedy Space Center
Mission Control
NASA assembly building
Transport shuttle for astronauts
Atlantis! The actual shuttle is on display......

Kennedy Space Center

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