Saturday, July 30, 2016


Molly's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Molly....."17"!

Today we are going to Leonardtown where we will anchor for two nights.
On our way we will go through a naval restricted area; The Dahlgren firing range. We were hailed by the Coast Guard and told where to navigate to stay out of the firing range. Hope their aim is good today! LOL
Also we passed an area called "Mallows Bay". It is very interesting. Almost 100 years ago, "the ghost fleet" began. During WW1, President W. Wilson commissioned 1000 steam ships to be built. By the end of the war only 300 had been built and another 200 half finished. These ships proved to be obsolete and were sold for scrap. They were towed to Mallows Bay to be dismantled; and were eventually set ablaze. The remains of approximately 80 ships are on the bottom of the bay. Some are in such shallow water that it has provided a nature habitat. For more interesting info, google the ghosts ships of mallows bay............                                                                                                                                           We will dinghy into the harbor at Leonardtown

to walk into town. What a walk, all uphill! And a big, tall hill..................
It was a quaint little town with a few shops, gelato parlor, and several restaurants.
Our first trip "up the hill" was to see the town and find where we would like to have dinner. Our second trip "up the hill" was to have dinner! And gelato..................good stuff!

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